Nut. Grommet. Headlight. (Upper, Lower)

Part Number: 9018905142
Supersession(s): 90189-05142

A solid metal or plastic block with a threaded hole in the center which is used to tighten or adjust the Grille Molding. Bumper Cover Reinforcement Nut. Cowl Cover Nut. Grille Grommet. Headlight Adjusting Nut. Headlight Fastener Clip. Headlight Grommet. Nut that secures the Grille. Nut to secure Bumper Cover. Nut used to mount Headlight.

Headlight Fastener ClipHeadlight Mounting NutGrille NutBumper Cover NutBumper Cover Reinforcement GrommetBumper Cover Reinforcement NutHeadlight GrommetGrille GrommetCowl Cover NutGrille Molding Nut

Scion; Toyota

1 person has looked at this part recently
This product fits 2805 vehicle variants.
Toyota: 22 models, 2805 variants between 2000 and 2024.

Your Price

$ 1.27
All Discounts: $ 0.45 (26% off)
MSRP: $ 1.72

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Dealer Rating: 4.8/5
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Toyota of Fort Worth

9001 Camp Bowie West Blvd, Fort Worth, TX, 76116

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